About Me:

United States
Better known as Ceci {pronounced Ceh-see}. I'm Chris' wife and Cassie's Mama. Words that I would say describe me: insomniac, laid back, a daydreamer, procrastinator, loved, paper snob, silly, happy...you get the idea.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

She weighs how much??!

Sooooo the doctor called me this evening with the results of our latest ultrasound and just as she thought, she is estimating that I have a pretty large baby baking....possibly weighing 9 pounds, 11 ounces, give or take 1 pound!! My reaction: NO WAY! Seriously, how in the world did this baby girl get so big all of a sudden? So my options: let nature take it's course and see when Cassie decides to do her thing, or schedule a c-section?! Both sound scary but my doctor thinks that the c-section is my best option. And after discussing it with a very anxious soon-to-be Daddy, we decided on the c-section which can be scheduled for Monday, June 9th or Thursday, June 12th! Yikes, all of a sudden things are becoming very real!

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