we had our very first appointment with our OB. The weeks leading up to this first visit were so nerve-racking. We were anxious for so many reasons, first wanting to make sure our baby was healthy, which she was, and we were dying to know how far along I was. Looking back I can remember how excited we were the night before the visit, I don't think either of us hardly got any sleep. I consider myself to be a big sap, but I didn't expect to be on the verge of tears when I got the first glimpse of the baby that was growing inside of me. I will never forget the look on Chris' face at that very moment. Suddenly everything became very real and our life was about to change forever.
So here I am right now, and that very same baby you see in the photo above is peacefully sleeping in her crib upstairs while I write this. My once tiny baby who was the size of a prune this time last year is now a big baby who enjoys rolling over in her crib, cooing, laughing, and eating her solids....I can't imagine how life will be a year from today, can it really get any better than this?
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