Never in my life had I been so excited to come home to clean up and do laundry! We had been without power since Hurricane Ike hit our area almost 2 weeks ago. We camped out in the dark at home for a few days thinking it would be just a matter of time before our power was restored. Surely in this day and age, we wouldn't be left in the dark for more than a day or two, right? WRONG! We stuck it out for a few days but it was a struggle just finding the basic necessities here in our area. I felt like the hero when I came home from work one day with 10 gallons of gas, 2 bags of ice, and some meat! I felt like I have saved the day! So after the one or two days turned into five, we decided we had enough and headed to Cassie's Uncle Edward's apartment. Ahhhh.....air conditioning! Sweeeet! We stayed at the bachelor pad for two nights and then we headed to Cassie's Aunt Lisa's house and stayed there for two nights as well. From then on, we moved on to Aunt Yaya's house for one night....and finally the next night, Chris called me with the best news ever: WE HAD POWER!!
I know things could have been a lot worse, and I thank God we were all together and that our homes were spared. I can't even imagine what the people who really lost everything (besides those everyday luxuries that we are all used to) are feeling right now.
Being without power and in the comfort of our own home was such a wake up call. You just never know how good you have it until it's gone, albeit only if it is temporary.
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